What is the day today?
-It is Sunday. OR
What day is it today?
What is the date today?
It is twenty first of May. (21.05)
What year is it this year?
-It is two thousand eight. (2008)
When is your bithday?
It is on the twelfth of April. (12.04)
07.08.1997 – seventh of August, nineteen ninty seven
NOT: İngilizce'de 2000 den önceki tarihler ikili gruplar halinde; 2000'den sonraki seneler tüm olarak söylenir
1987 – nineteen , eighty seven
2009 – two thousand nine
12.05.2007 – twelfth of May , two thousand seven
22.11.1986 – twenty second of November,nineteen eighty six.
15.12.1999 – fifteenth of December,nineteen ninty nine.
09.09.2009 – ninth of September, two thousand nine
Activity Exercise
Write the names.
Write the names.
1. Who is the second horse? 4. Who is the fifth horse?
…………………………….. . …………………………….. .
2. Who is the sixth horse? 5. Who is the forth horse?
…………………………….. . …………………………….. .
3. Who is the first horse? 6. Who is the third horse?
…………………………….. . …………………………….. .
1. Wind 2. Wonder 3. Sammy
4. Winner 5. Beauty 6. Hurricane