adverbs and adjectives list ile etiketlenmiş başlıklar

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 4

Rewrite the sentences below. 1. This ring is too expensive to buy. …………………………………… 2. This boy isn’t hardworking enough to be successful. ………………………………………………… 3. We aren’t tall enough to play volleyball. ………………………………………… 4. This basket is too full to put something in. ……………………………………………… 5. The stories aren’t funny enough

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 3

Too / Enough Complete “too” or “enough” 1. Mary is …………… sensitive to make you sad. 2. Your sister isn’t old …………… to vote. 3. Ayça isn’t talkative …………… to have a good time. 4. Your skin is smooth …………… to use this product. 5. This mouse is ……………

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 2

Find the adverbial form 1. verbal > …………… 2. logical > …………… 3. imaginative > …………… 4. fast > …………… 5. intuitive > …………… 6. continual > …………… 7. careful > …………… 8. analytical > …………… 9. loud > …………… 10. independent > …………… Answers: 1. verbal Æ verbally

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 1

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 1 1. Mary is a/an …………… girl. A)active              B)actively 2. She is interested in photography …………… A) active             B) actively 3. He worked on the project …………… . A)wise        

Adverbs and Adjectives

Adverbs and Adjectives Tıpkı Türkçe’de olduğu gibi İngilizce’de de sıfatlar (adjectives) ismi; zarşar (adverbs) fiil niteler. İngilizce’de zarfların bir kısmı sıfata –ly eklenerek yapılır.

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