the simple past tense was were ile etiketlenmiş başlıklar

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 8

Read the bubbles and write the biography of Bruce Lee Answers: Bruce Lee was born is San Francisco in 1940. He appeared in his first film when he was three months old. Bruce’s family turned back to Japan in 1941. He began studying Kung – Fu in 1953. He

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 7

Match 1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. 2. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. People also knew him with his studies on lightbulbs, electricity and film and audio devices. 3. Johannes Guttenberg invented the printing machine. 4. John Logie Baird invented the mechanical television (an earlier version of television). 5. Konrad Zuse built the first programmable computer.

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 6

Match a) Atatürk was a great leader. b) My sister found a wallet on the street. c) My uncle spent all his money. d) He called the Police because there was a thief at home. e) We played football two days ago. f) The chorus sang beautiful songs. g)

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 5

Read the passage and answer the questions One day Özgür and his friend Oğuz went to the zoo. The weather was warm and there were a lot of people. They saw some animals there: lions, tigers,snakes, birds, horses……………. Monkeys were funny. They gave food to the animals. The fish swam in the

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 4

Make negative sentences and questions 1. The children played table tennis. (–) (?) 2. Ayten went to bed late last night. (–) (?) 3. Mr. Simon sold his car last weekend. (–) (?) 4. That girl wanted a cup of coffee at the restaurant. (–) (?) 5. Pablo Picasso painted

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 3

Make wh_ questions. 1. The children played chess yesterday. …………………………………………………. . 2. Suna danced very well last night. …………………………………………………. . 3. We found you at the party yesterday at 03:00. …………………………………………………. . 4. My parents lived in Ankara for two years. …………………………………………………. . 5. Mahmut scored five goals in

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 2

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 2 Her zamanda olduğu gibi bu zamanda da olumsuz cümle ve soru cümlesi yapmak için kullanılan yöntem aynıdır. Basit geçmiş zamanın yardımcı fiil olan did olumsuz cümlelerde ve soru cümlelerinde ortaya çıkar ve bu sebeple fiiller yalın haline dönerler. Aşağıdaki örneklerde bu açıkça görülmektedir.

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 1

The Simple Past Tense Exercise 1 Find the past of these verbs 1. decide– 2. listen– 3. have– 4. arrive– 5. leave– 6. play– 7. hear– 8. wake– 9. write– 10. call– 11. sleep– 12. cut– AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES IN THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Answers: 1. decided 2. listened 3.

The Simple Past Tense

The Simple Past Tense Geçmişte olmuş ve bitmiş eylemlerden bahsetmek için kullandığımız zamandır. Bu anlamda ‘was, were’ ün kullanımı yansıtmaktadır. Ancak iki arasındaki fark Simple Past Tense’te esas fiil kullanılmasıdır. Yardımcı fiil ‘did’ olan bu yapıda fiiler 2’ye ayrılır. 1. REGULAR VERBS (Düzenli Fiiller): Fiil çekimi esnasında değişik hece kurallarına göre ‘–ed, –

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