zoo tycoon 2 extinct animals indir ile etiketlenmiş başlıklar

Extinct Animals Exercise 4

Find the animal Answer: b) A horse  

Extinct Animals Exercise 3

Extinct Animals Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks 1. …………………………. is the fastest animal in birds’ world. 2. ………………………… has the best sight in birds’ world. 3. …………………………. is the biggest one in birds’ world. 4. ………………………….. are the laziest animals. 5. ………………………….. are the strongest ones in the

Extinct Animals Exercise 2

Find the animals and write their names under labels

Extinct Animals Exercise 1

Answer the questions 1. How many animal species were there on Earth? …………………………………………. . 2. What will happen if we don’t protect them? …………………………………………. . 3. When did Tasmanian Wolf become extinct? …………………………………………. . 4. When did English Wolf become extinct in lreland? …………………………………………. . 5. Who discovered Steller’s sea

Extinct Animals

Extinct Animals There were a lot of animal species on Earth in the past. They became extinct and we can’t see them now. lf we don’t protect the other animals they will become extinct, too. Here are some of the animals from the past. 1. Tasmanian Wolf lt wasn’t a wolf but it was

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