6.Sınıf İngilizce (Evaluation Konu Testi 2)

Sınav Adı: 6.Sınıf İngilizce (Evaluation Konu Testi 2)
Soru Sayısı: %%TOTAL%%
Doğru Sayısı: %%SCORE%%
Yanlış Sayısı: %%WRONG_ANSWERS%%
Doğru yüzdesi: %%PERCENTAGE%%
Sınav İçin Verilen Süre: %%TIME_ALLOWED%% sn
Kullanılan Süre: %%TIME_USED%% sn
Değerlendirme Sonucu: %%RATING%%
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Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |

Arda ............... a letter to her friend.
A | are writing |
B | is write |
C | is writing |
D | are write |
Soru 2 |
There isn't ......... milk to drink.
A | some |
B | a |
C | lot |
D | any |
Soru 3 |
A: How .......... time do you have for the exam?
B: Forty minutes
B: Forty minutes
A | much |
B | many |
C | any |
D | every |
Soru 4 |

Please look ......... the blackboard.
A | at |
B | of |
C | for |
D | than |
Soru 5 |

I am sorry. I am ...........
A | beautiful |
B | clever |
C | late |
D | handsome |
Soru 6 |
She isn't a/an ............... .
A | Paris |
B | Italian |
C | Moscow |
D | England |
Soru 7 |
I sometimes ........... very hot things.
A | drinks |
B | drinking |
C | drink |
D | do drink |
Soru 8 |
The second day of the week is ................ .
A | Thursday |
B | Tuesday |
C | Sunday |
D | Friday |
Soru 9 |

The boy is ................... TV at the moment.
A | watch |
B | watches |
C | watchs |
D | watching |
Soru 10 |
Find the correct one
Doğru olanı bulunuz.
Doğru olanı bulunuz.
A | I always does homework. |
B | She can ride a bike with you. |
C | Where is you from? |
D | She can climbing a tree. |
Soru 11 |
.............. time do you have lunch?
A | how |
B | when |
C | what |
D | where |
Soru 12 |

Betül can ............. the guitar but I can't.
A | learn |
B | play |
C | climb |
D | sing |
Soru 13 |
There is a good film on.Let's go to the ........... .
A | theatre |
B | zoo |
C | cinema |
D | shopping centre |
Soru 14 |
Hi, my name is John.I go to primary school.I get up at seven o'clock every day for school and I come from school at 4 pm.I am doing my homework at the moment.
What is John doing now?
What is John doing now?
A | He is doing homework. |
B | He is studying English. |
C | He is making a cake. |
D | He leaves at six o'clock. |
Soru 15 |
When does John get up to go to school everyday?
A | He goes at seven o'clock |
B | He arrives his office at six o'clock |
C | Do you like swimming? |
D | He gets up at seven o'clock |
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14. Soruda ki cevaplara yanlış frame verilmiş, cevap A olmasına rağmen B’yi doğru kılıyor.