6.Sınıf İngilizce (Evaluation Konu Testi 3)

Sınav Adı: 6.Sınıf İngilizce (Evaluation Konu Testi 3)
Soru Sayısı: %%TOTAL%%
Doğru Sayısı: %%SCORE%%
Yanlış Sayısı: %%WRONG_ANSWERS%%
Doğru yüzdesi: %%PERCENTAGE%%
Sınav İçin Verilen Süre: %%TIME_ALLOWED%% sn
Kullanılan Süre: %%TIME_USED%% sn
Değerlendirme Sonucu: %%RATING%%
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Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |

How old is Fanny?
A | 11 |
B | 12 |
C | 13 |
D | 14 |
Soru 2 |
What is Fanny's mother's job?

A | Şıkkı |
B | Şıkkı |
C | Şıkkı |
D | Şıkkı |
Soru 3 |
Is her brother a dentist?
A | No,he isn't |
B | No,you aren't |
C | No,she isn't |
D | No,they aren't |
Soru 4 |
Which is true?
A | Fanny's mother is from Italy. |
B | Fanny's mother is from Germany. |
C | Fanny's mother is from France. |
D | Fanny's mother is from the USA. |
Soru 5 |

A | These are policemans. |
B | These are policemen. |
C | This is policemen. |
D | These are policeman. |
Soru 6 |
Which is different from the others?
A | beautiful woman |
B | black pullover |
C | film star |
D | one student |
Soru 7 |
Which one is wrong?
A | I watch two series on TV. |
B | I don't my homework in the evening |
C | She doesn't speak five languages. |
D | I don't drive to work everyday. |
Soru 8 |

'There is a supermarket near our house' means:
A | That supermarket is ours. |
B | Our house is between the supermarket and the park. |
C | Our house is near a supermarket. |
D | We have got a supermarket near house. |
Soru 9 |

Yukarıda resimler hangi sıfatları anlatmaktadır?
A | beautiful / ugly |
B | narrow / large |
C | lazy / hardworking |
D | easy / difficult |
Soru 10 |
My lessons start ........... 08:30.
A | at |
B | of |
C | from |
D | on |
Soru 11 |

Put the sentences in correct order 1–I leave home after breakfast.
2–I get up early.
3–I have some orange juice and jam for breakfast.
4–I wash my hands and face.
5–I wear my school uniform.
A | 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 |
B | 2 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 |
C | 4 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1 |
D | 5 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 |
Soru 12 |

The train is going to arrive ......... Monday.
A | at |
B | of |
C | from |
D | on |
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