Amazing History Exercise 3

Amazing History Exercise 3


On 21st February, 1988 Adam Tanner and his dog Kola went for a walk.Suddenly his dog sat on the grass and began watching something Adam got curious and looked at the same direction.
‘There was a line of orange light. Then it became ‘V’ and went up. I went back home and told about it to my wife. We went to the park again and looked for them but they didn’t come. I waited for a few days but they didn’t come. lt was nearly 7000 metres long.

Answer the questions


1. He saw the light on 21st February. 2. lt sat on the grass.
3. lt was Kola. 4. lt was orange.
5. No, they didn’t. 6. lt became ‘V’.


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  • Yazının Bağlantısı: Amazing History Exercise 3
  • Tarih: 19 Ağustos 2013
  • Yazının Kategorisi: Kategorilenmemiş
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