Amazing History Exercise 5


Dear Jack;

Before coming to England, I couldn’t do many things in English. I couldn’t understand the dialogues the articles, the films, the songs… I remember, one day I went to a party and I couldn’t understand a word, I felt bad. Finally my aunt came and took me to home.
Now I can understand everything better. I can practice a lot because there are a lot of people They can speak English. I am also taking a course in a language school. My teachers are very
good at teaching. I always attend the classes and do my homework. I’m staying with an English family. They are very nice.
I miss you and my family very much but I have to stay in England to learn English.
Take care of yourself





1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True

5. True 6. True 7. False 8. False



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  • Yazının Bağlantısı: Amazing History Exercise 5
  • Tarih: 19 Ağustos 2013
  • Yazının Kategorisi: Kategorilenmemiş
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