8. Sınıf SBS İngilizce

Relative Pronoun Exercise 5

Relative Pronoun Exercise 5

Write the adverbial form 1. If you are good at Linguistic Intelligence you are a verbal learner and you can express yourself …………………. . 2. I like numbers very much because my intelligence profile is Mathematical Intelligence. I am a logical student and I learn…………… . 4. I don’t like talking to people around me. I’m an intuitive learner […]

Relative Pronoun Exercise 4

Relative Pronoun Exercise 4

LEARNING STYLES 1. Minette is a ……………………… learner. 2. Paul is a ……………………… learner. 3. Sally is an ……………………… learner. Answers: 1. visual 2. kinesthetic 3. audial

Relative Pronoun Exercise 3

Relative Pronoun Exercise 3

Relative Pronoun Exercise 3 A true friend behaves you  understandingly  supportively  kindly  gently  cheerfully  carefully How does your best friend behave you? Write five of them. 1. ……………………………………………. 2. ……………………………………………. 3. ……………………………………………. 4. ……………………………………………. 5. …………………………………………….  

Relative Pronoun Exercise 2

Relative Pronoun Exercise 2

Match and write their names a. He is a person who mends cars in a garage. b. They are people who write beautiful poems. c. He is a person who serves drink to people in a bar. d. They are people who design buildings and şats. e. He is a person who produces films. f. They are people […]

Relative Pronoun Exercise 1

Relative Pronoun Exercise 1

WRITE THE NAMES UNDER THE QUESTIONS – Sakıp Sabancı – The Emperor Neron – Levi Strauss – Beethoven and Bach – Leonardo da Vinci – Hasan Tahsin – Mehmet Akif Ersoy – The Beatles – Fatih Sultan Mehmet – Michael Schumacher 1. The people who composed a lot of classical music – ………………………………………… 2. The tradesman who […]

Relative Pronoun Exercise

Relative Pronoun Exercise

COMBINE THE SENTENCES. USE ‘WHO’ 1. Mina is a very nice person. She is good at chemistry. – …………………………………………… 2. The doctors must be very hardworking They always have the responsibility for helping ill people. – …………………………………………… 3. Johnny never drives carefully. He had an accident last week. – …………………………………………… 4. My daughter is an assistant. She always helps […]

“Who” As A Relative Pronoun

“Who” As A Relative Pronoun

“Who” As A Relative Pronoun Cümle içerisinde özne ya da nesne konumunda olan bir kişi için ekstra bilgi vermek amacıyla iki cümleyi birleştirmek için kullanılır. Ex: Find me someone who is good at Maths. Find me someone. S/he is good at Maths. Ex: Can you see anyone who carries a suitcase? Can you see anyone S/he carries […]

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 4

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 4

Rewrite the sentences below. 1. This ring is too expensive to buy. …………………………………… 2. This boy isn’t hardworking enough to be successful. ………………………………………………… 3. We aren’t tall enough to play volleyball. ………………………………………… 4. This basket is too full to put something in. ……………………………………………… 5. The stories aren’t funny enough to read. ……………………………………………… 6. This table […]

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 3

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 3

Too / Enough Complete “too” or “enough” 1. Mary is …………… sensitive to make you sad. 2. Your sister isn’t old …………… to vote. 3. Ayça isn’t talkative …………… to have a good time. 4. Your skin is smooth …………… to use this product. 5. This mouse is …………… fast to catch. 6. Climbing the […]

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 2

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 2

Find the adverbial form 1. verbal > …………… 2. logical > …………… 3. imaginative > …………… 4. fast > …………… 5. intuitive > …………… 6. continual > …………… 7. careful > …………… 8. analytical > …………… 9. loud > …………… 10. independent > …………… Answers: 1. verbal Æ verbally 2. logical Æ logically 3. imaginative […]

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 1

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 1

Adverbs and Adjectives Exercise 1 1. Mary is a/an …………… girl. A)active              B)actively 2. She is interested in photography …………… A) active             B) actively 3. He worked on the project …………… . A)wise                  B) wisely […]

Adverbs and Adjectives

Adverbs and Adjectives

Adverbs and Adjectives Tıpkı Türkçe’de olduğu gibi İngilizce’de de sıfatlar (adjectives) ismi; zarşar (adverbs) fiil niteler. İngilizce’de zarfların bir kısmı sıfata –ly eklenerek yapılır.

Study Skills

Study Skills

Study Skills 1. If you want to lose weight, you should take exercises ……………. . 2. Would you like to tell me your hobbies and ……………. ? 3. Let’s ……………. this problem. It’s not difficult. 4. She hasn’t got any dreams. She is …………. . 5. The meeting was very ……………. I wanted to sleep. […]

Sınavlara Hazırlık Arama Robotu

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