Future Tense
İngilizce'de gelecek zamandan bahsetmek için ‘be going to' yapısı kullanılır.
Bu yapıdaki ‘be' yardımcı fiil olarak kullanılan ‘am,is,are' ı yansıtmaktadır. Yardımcı fiillerin öznelere göre dağılımı aynıdır. aşağıdaki örneklere dikkat ediniz.
1. Olumlu ve düz cümlelerde aşağıdaki formül esastır.
S+am/is/are+going to+verb+O.C+ ….. .
I am going to buy a new house in Edirne.
My uncle is going to sell his house.
My parents are going to visit my brother at the university.
2. Olumsuz cümle yapmak için yardımcı fiillere ‘not' eklemek yeterlidir.
I'm not going to buy a new house in Edirne.
My uncle isn't going to sell his house.
My parents aren't going to visit my brother at the university.
3. Soru cümlesi yapmak için yardımcı fiiller baza alınmalıdır.
Are you going to buy a new house in Edirne?
Is your uncle going to sell his house?
Are your parents going to visit my brother at the university?
4. Bu zamanda en sık kullanılan zaman ifadeleri aşağıdaki gibidir.
Next week/year/month/Saturday
In 2020/2100 ……
In the future
activity Exercise
1. Sema is a university student.
2. Mr. Frack is in the garden.
3. The boys are near the fences.
4. Ayhan's shoes are very old.
5. Our English exams are very difficult.
6. We have got two tickets for the concert.
7. Mustafa is in bed.
8. The doctors are in their offices.
9. My cousin Petra is in the library.
10. I have got a very important exam tomorrow
a) He is going to cut the grass.
b) I am going to study hard.
c) He is going to sleep.
d) I am going to enter university.
e) She is going to read books.
f) She is going to be an engineer.
g) They are going to paint them.
h) They are going to go home soon.
i) He is going to buy new shoes.
j) We are going to see ‘Metallica' there
1. f 2. a 3. g 4. i 5. b 6. j 7. c 8. h 9. c 10. d