İngilizce'de özellikle yol tarişerinde kullanılacak olan yönler ve direktiflerin işleneceği bu konuda özellikle bazı yapıların öğrenilmesi gerekmektedir. Bunları basamak basamak ele alalım.
1. Sinop is in the north of Turkey.
2. İzmir is in the west of Turkey.
3. ankara is in the centre of Turkey.
4. Van is in the east of Turkey.
5. Hatay is in the south of Turkey.
1. Where is Antalya?
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2. Where is Samsun?
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3. Where is Nevşehir?
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4. Where is ordu?
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5. Where is Ağrı?
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6. Where is adana?
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7. Where is Kayseri?
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8. Where is Erzurum?
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9. Where is Manisa?
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10. Where is Muğla?
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1. lt's in the south of Turkey. 2. lt's in the north of Turkey.
3. lt's in the centre of Turkey. 4. lt's in the north of Turkey.
5. lt's in the east of Turkey. 6. lt's in the south of Turkey.
7. lt's in the centre of Turkey. 8. lt's in the east of Turkey.
9. lt's in the west of Turkey. 10. lt's in the west of Turkey.